The Power of Journaling

This week I came across a really fascinating episode of Huberman Lab, a podcast that is super science-y that is often way over my head, yet I listen and learn. My brain loves a good feeding! This one, titled “A Science-Supported Journaling Protocol to Improve Mental & Physical Health” (Episode 151), pulled me in! (The link is below… so please keep reading.)

I have a history of journaling, though not consistent. One of my go-to ways to process is to talk out loud. I get so much from recording my thoughts, always on video. Often times I’m driving. I’ll hit record on my phone and I’ll just talk and tell my story. I will then rewatch it later and process with myself again. I cry with myself, I relive it, whatever big thing I was processing. I guess you’d say that I get into deep self-compassion in that space. I have no idea if anyone other than me does anything close to this, but it works for me. Typing or writing out my story is a barrier as I just can’t seem to sit and do it. My brain moves way faster than my fingers and it feels like more work to write or type. (This is likely why I blog way less than I used to… I found the video version… you can find lots of my old vlogs on my YouTube channel.)

A few months back, maybe even closer to a year ago, my youngest son shared a video with me that explained why journaling works. He had just taken up a journaling practice and wanted to understand why he would journal and he found this video:

I’ll wait while you watch… seriously, I’m not here to reword Dr K’s words. Go get it from the source.

Ok, so now you have a basic idea of the benefits of journaling, I want to build on that! Now take the time to watch this:

Did you listen? I’m serious! You really don’t want to? Fine! Here’s what I loved about the Huberman piece:

  • There is science that says that journaling 4 times about a negative life experience or trauma can change your health, in a good way!

  • This can be 4 times in 4 days or 4 times over 4 weeks.

  • Journal about the event for 15-30 minutes.

  • You can write or type.

  • Report the facts.

  • What happened?

  • How did it make you feel? (this is YOUR truth)

  • What are the connections of different experiences that are coming to mind as you journal?

  • Be honest. Don’t minimize your experience. Your story is how it’s been stored in your body.

  • Sleep. This is where our brain rewires.

Want to know how big journaling is in my life right now? I even had this interview on The Exponential Life Podcast - all about journaling - hit my radar this week! Journaling is everywhere for me right now so I NEED to do this for myself. (This is what the universe does, when I see something keep showing up in my life… it’s my sign!) I’m starting this week. I’m going to start with the Huberman episode version of journaling. He recommended maybe not diving into your most traumatic memory but something a little less intense, to see if the practice is for you. Me? I’m going in deep. I love deep! And the deeper you go, the better the benefits.

This could definitely be something done in session with me, if you want support after you bring up all these big feelings. I would be open to that. I could see. myself stepping out of the room while you write or type, then you letting me know when you are done. I wouldn’t have to read any of it, just be there to hold you after.
So… are you going to give it a try? Let me know in the comments!

Michelle Renee

Michelle Renee (she/her) based in San Diego, is dedicated to helping clients discover their true Self. From her personal journey, Michelle knows that love heals. Michelle has combined her 9+ years of experience as both a cuddle therapist and a previous surrogate partner to create a hybrid form of somatic relational repair. She affectionately welcomes clients into her Human Connection Lab, where she supports them in relational healing through experiential touch, unconditional positive regard, celebrated agency, and authentic connection. Learn more at

She is also the creator of and the host of The Intimacy Lab Podcast, which can be listened to on your favorite podcast app.

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